A stakeholder meeting was held on December 5, 2022 with Pine Ridge representatives, including Homeowners Association (HOA) members. Residents are mainly concerned with the development of a ±148-acre vacant parcel between the YMCA and the Pine Ridge entrance on CR 486. The site has Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning, which is a custom zoning district tailored to the site. There are two (2) PRD conditions that regulate how the 148-acre site can be developed:
All residential lots within the application site will have a minimum lot size of one acre.
There shall be no vehicular access from the adjacent pine Ridge Unit Two to the application site except for emergency access.
Land also within the PRD zoning includes the YMCA site, the vacant School board site, and single-family residential units in Pine Ridge.
Residents desire to keep the two (2) PRD conditions. They are interested in a multi-modal path (for golf carts) connecting the planned mixed-use development at the corner of US 41 / CR 486 to existing neighborhood streets but no vehicular connection due to the current roadway conditions in Pine Ridge. They also thought a pedestrian overpass or controlled crossing on CR 486 at the YMCA was a good idea.
Noise and buffer requirements to existing, adjacent Pine Ridge homes were also topics of discussion.
A stakeholder meeting was held on December 5, 2022 with Pine Ridge representatives, including Homeowners Association (HOA) members. Residents are mainly concerned with the development of a ±148-acre vacant parcel between the YMCA and the Pine Ridge entrance on CR 486. The site has Planned Residential Development (PRD) zoning, which is a custom zoning district tailored to the site. There are two (2) PRD conditions that regulate how the 148-acre site can be developed:
All residential lots within the application site will have a minimum lot size of one acre.
There shall be no vehicular access from the adjacent pine Ridge Unit Two to the application site except for emergency access.
Land also within the PRD zoning includes the YMCA site, the vacant School board site, and single-family residential units in Pine Ridge.
Residents desire to keep the two (2) PRD conditions. They are interested in a multi-modal path (for golf carts) connecting the planned mixed-use development at the corner of US 41 / CR 486 to existing neighborhood streets but no vehicular connection due to the current roadway conditions in Pine Ridge. They also thought a pedestrian overpass or controlled crossing on CR 486 at the YMCA was a good idea.
Noise and buffer requirements to existing, adjacent Pine Ridge homes were also topics of discussion.