What is the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code?
All Counties and incorporated Cities and Towns in the State of Florida, including Citrus County, are required to have a Comprehensive Plan, which are Goals, Objectives, and Policies that guide and regulate the local government’s future growth. The Comprehensive Plan addresses Future Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Conservation of Natural Resources, Capital Improvements, and other important elements of land development.
By Florida Statute, Comprehensive Plans are intended to mitigate existing and potential future impacts that result from land development, preserve public health and safety, and protect human, environmental, social, and economic resources. The Citrus County Future Land Use Map (FLUM) illustrates the proposed distribution, location, and extent of the various categories of land uses that have been included in the Comprehensive Plan.
The Land Development Code (LDC) implements the Comprehensive Plan policies through development standards. These standards address the County’s administration procedures, development guidelines for land uses, design standards for landscaping and signs, and technical standards for stormwater management and transportation systems.
The Citrus County Current Zoning Map illustrates the allocation of land use districts that correspond with the Future Land Use categories. For each land use district, the LDC outlines permitted uses and their associated maximum densities/intensities, minimum building setbacks, and building height limitations.
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